
Showing posts from April, 2017

Just Thinking...

Hi people, I was just reading this post: And it sums up what I feel like, pretty well. However, I am much more negative.  The post also brought to mind the Luke Bryan song, Fast.   That's just what I was thinking right now.  -Dianna

The Beginning and the End of the End

Hi people,  Today I am writing about the end of my years at my school. I really didn't want this post to be cliche, but the end of this school year is a massive, all eclipsing issue in my brain right now.  This is because I really don't like that this year is ending. I don't like the idea of being separated from my classmates. I don't like that I have to leave my teachers. I don't like the idea of leaving almost everyone I know for a building full of strangers. I don't like any of it. AT ALL.  Last year was very different. I spent the last day staring at the clock and when the time to leave came, I snatched my report card and ran out of the building. I was the first to leave. I didn't event bother to say goodbye to anyone.  That summer I spent a lot of time thinking, and I started to appreciate my school a lot more.  Now, I can't even go a week without school. Over spring break, I kept thinking about how my classmates would laugh ...

It's Complicated....

Hi people, Today I will be writing about my relationship with languages. Throughout my life, I have learned to speak a few different languages. However, English is my language of choice.  The main reason for this is that I feel a lot more comfortable when I speak English. This is because my vocabulary in English has surpassed my vocabulary in any other language. I also hate that I always feel like I am making myself sound like an idiot when I speak another language.  Some people think that I just don't like languages, but that's not true. I love languages, but I just don't like speaking them. I like to learn about grammar and new words in different languages. I actually find trying to write in different languages fun.  I hope this clarifies my motives a little bit.  -Dianna


Some blogs are witty. Some blogs have a unique perspective. Some blogs are just beautiful. Some have a niche. Some blogs tug at my heartstrings. And some blogs just exist, like mine.  Outside of my blog, my writing is only a flowery shadow of what I actually think. My blog contains my honest thoughts, no matter how scrambled they may be.  For me, this is a place to be authentic.  If you want to read my writing in a state that hasn't gone through 20,000 hours of editing and a thesaurus, look no further than this blog.  -Dianna

Looking at Cute Stuff Helps Concentration.

Have a great day! -Dianna

To My Parents,

I'm not terribly good at expressing gratitude. I'm not good with time. Most of the time, I need a reality check. I'm always too stuck in my thoughts to do or say anything important. When I eventually decide to do something, I just end up ruining it.  You two are the only reason that the first paragraph didn't keep going on into infinity. You said I should just get this over with, so I will.  You might not always tell me what I want to hear, but there is no doubt in my mind that you always tell me what I need  to hear. I'm just terrible at listening.  When I say certain things, people look at me like I have five heads, but you actually try to understand what I'm saying. I appreciate that so much because a lot of times I feel like the three of us are the only ones listening.  Unlike most people, you tend to understand me. Even when you don't, I still know that you're trying as hard as you can.  I have no more words because there ...

My Love of Libraries

Hi people,  Today, I will be writing about my love of libraries. Some people like big, fancy libraries with old books, nice chairs, and other things. While those places are nice, I am content to sit on the floor of my school's library between the shelves that have collected so much dust that I can't prevent myself from sneezing.  This might sound strange, but here, on the abandoned side of the library, I can actually organize my thoughts and take a minute to breathe. I feel that this is the most important quality of a library. Other than just being a place to store books, libraries have been places to get things done.  Even though, I am such a procrastinator that can't get things done in a timely manner to save my life, libraries make me feel like I can accomplish things. One example is that this is the only post I ever wrote in under ten minutes.  One of the pretty libraries  -Dianna