It's Complicated....

Hi people,

Today I will be writing about my relationship with languages. Throughout my life, I have learned to speak a few different languages. However, English is my language of choice. 

The main reason for this is that I feel a lot more comfortable when I speak English. This is because my vocabulary in English has surpassed my vocabulary in any other language. I also hate that I always feel like I am making myself sound like an idiot when I speak another language. 

Some people think that I just don't like languages, but that's not true. I love languages, but I just don't like speaking them. I like to learn about grammar and new words in different languages. I actually find trying to write in different languages fun. 

I hope this clarifies my motives a little bit. 



  1. What other languages do you know? Oh, and I understand ! For me I have trouble pronuciating words in Spanish so I don't like to speak it because I'm not confident enough.

    1. I speak Greek, I used to speak French, and I am learning Spanish for school.

    2. I wish I was that bilingual. :(


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