My Love of Libraries

Hi people, 

Today, I will be writing about my love of libraries. Some people like big, fancy libraries with old books, nice chairs, and other things. While those places are nice, I am content to sit on the floor of my school's library between the shelves that have collected so much dust that I can't prevent myself from sneezing. 

This might sound strange, but here, on the abandoned side of the library, I can actually organize my thoughts and take a minute to breathe. I feel that this is the most important quality of a library. Other than just being a place to store books, libraries have been places to get things done. 

Even though, I am such a procrastinator that can't get things done in a timely manner to save my life, libraries make me feel like I can accomplish things. One example is that this is the only post I ever wrote in under ten minutes. 

One of the pretty libraries 



  1. Agreed, completely. Libraries are my favorite places in the world.

  2. Libraries are tranquil and at times "forced silence" and allow the free-flow of the imagination and ideas in our minds to flourish. The Library was my favorite spot going through High School, thousands and thousands of years ago. =)

  3. I guess I'm blessed by the holy gods or something because I can focus almost anywhere. I don't have the ability to block out noise but when determined, I can finish my work when I need to.


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