What is Dianna?

To my friends and family Dianna is my name. It is nothing but something to call me. It is three syllables with the last two being said faster than the first. It is said as though it requires courage to say: hesitant at first and then faster so people won't notice. 

To me a Dianna is a curious specimen of paradoxes. A Dianna will strive to be something she is not while all the same staying true to herself. A Dianna will put painstaking effort into all that she does, all the while saying that she doesn't care. A Dianna will never admit that she's wrong while at the same time, never insist that she's right. A Dianna will say that she wants a soapbox from which to shout her ideas while staring blankly at the'publish' button. A Dianna will start to apologize for mistakes she hasn't made. 

My name should rather be "cognitive dissonance".


  1. It's cool to see how you describe yourself! :)


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