
Showing posts from 2017

Talking to the Void

When I post something here, I am talking to the void. It's likely that no one of any importance will read this.  I don't embed  all of my posts with keywords or stalk bloggers until they follow me. Most of the people I know have already been convinced that I quit writing a short while ago.  I'm not by any means saying that no one can  read this, only that it's unlikely that someone that matters will.  Even though I'm talking to the void, I'm still talking. The words have been said and then written. They are immortalized here, regardless of whether or not or how much anyone cares.  Sometimes, the void is all you need.  Many times over, I have seen people get caught up in page views and followers. They forget that there is a much simpler joy in talking. They forget to bask in the miracle of their own existence.  People too often forget the important things.  -Dianna

The World Is Full of the Wrong Kind of Liars

People say the dumbest things. They lie for no reason other than to be polite . Since when is immorality polite ?   They do this even when people don't want to be lied to for the sake of politeness.  I do not wish for people to lie to me about things that they need not lie about.  I don't expect people to be friends with me or to advise me. However, people should know the following: 1. If I consider you a friend, do not tell me anything about the state of our friendship unless you actually mean it.  2. If I consider you a good source of advice, don't pretend to agree with me about an important decision.  I don't understand why people like to agree with me even when I'm saying something completely delusional. If this post is delusional, say that it is.  -Dianna

Just a Bit of Nostalgia

Hi people,  I don't really know why I'm writing this. I guess I've just been feeling nostalgic lately. I miss writing blog posts on Sundays. They were my escape from the evils of homework.  I thought about how I used to spend four hours writing each post. Before I started writing, I would stalk my class's blogs and hope that they posted. I don't exactly remember why. I was definitely procrastinating. I'm procrastinating now, too. I really should be doing geometry.  Anyway, I just thought I should post something.  If not much has changed in terms of homework, why should blogging change?  -Dianna

An Internal Dialogue From the Writing of a Recent Post

Today I am supposed to be writing about...  Don't write that, Dianna! It's already in the post title! So.... How do I start? I don't know. My job is only to judge you and make sure it takes you at least five hours to write a post, not to actually help you.  Why do you even exist? ... And she's gone. Just like that! At least now I can write.  Not so fast! Are you really going to include our conversation in this post? You don't want people to think you've lost your mind. Do you? Of course not, but I promised my readers authenticity.  How will they know whether or not you tell the truth? I'll know that I wasn't telling the truth.  What's the point of honesty if everyone hates it? Authenticity has its own value.  How many page views has "authenticity" gotten you? 1,270, and that's good enough for me.  And followers? Quit trying to convince me! I already made up my mind.  Or did you? ...

The Existential Crisis of This Blog

Hi people,  Today, I will be sorting out my blog's existential crisis.  As you could probably tell, this was originally just a blog for school assigned, mandatory posts. This is the reason why I have started a great many posts with some statement about being "forced" to write about one thing or another.  Because I had my own things to say, I started writing posts with my own thoughts and ideas. I had been wanting to start a blog on my own for the past three years and this was a step in that direction.  I was originally planning to start a new blog after I graduated, but there is no need for that anymore. I have updated the look of this blog and will hopefully add more new features soon.  I fully intend to keep posting on this blog.  -Dianna


Hi people,  Today, I will be writing about the concept of neighborhoods and how they don't  fit into my life.  I have heard people talking about their communities and actually talking to real human beings that live nearby. This originally struck me as quite strange, being that I don't even know the names of the people that live on my block.  I live in a neighborhood where people don't really talk to each other. No one has a front porch, and people don't really use their front lawns for anything except decoration.  This is quite a contrast from the neighborhoods of my family members. In their neighborhoods, you can't walk for 30 seconds without seeing someone. People bike to the store and regularly take their dogs on walks and children draw with chalk on the sidewalks.  As I thought about this idea some more, I realized that I never even bothered to wonder why no one in the neighborhood really talks.  I guess ghost towns have just seemed nor...

Graduation Speech

Sometimes, all I can do is hope and pray that I will be able to remember all of the crazy and amazing things that have happened at my school. Sadly, I know that I won’t, but that’s reality.  Through all of the ups and downs, I am so thankful that I have had the gift of a place where I can step away from all of the negativity of the world and grow as a person. I’m going to miss that dearly.  I’d like to thank all of the people who were associated with this place in any way, shape, or form. Everyone has contributed, and that is what I think is the most beautiful part.  I only wish that I could hold on to this place for a moment longer. 

Everybody Loves Homework!

Hi people,  My school has been assigning a lot of homework and projects. That is what schools do.  Recently, it has become too much. It has become a regular occurrence for my friends to fall asleep on their homework or stay up into the late hours of the night because they are scared of missing a due date.  Many of them have written posts about this issue. Many of them talk about this issue on a daily basis. Many of them have even confronted our teachers asking for help.  We only get two types of responses.  1. "I only assign homework that you can finish in 30 minutes." 2. "This is preparation for high school." Here are my arguments.  1. I have never completed a '30 minute assignment' in less than an hour. Even if each assignment took only 30 minutes, we have at least seven classes that assign daily homework in addition to projects.  2. By the time I am in high school, I won't even remember these assignments. If school ended in Jul...

Just Thinking...

Hi people, I was just reading this post: And it sums up what I feel like, pretty well. However, I am much more negative.  The post also brought to mind the Luke Bryan song, Fast.   That's just what I was thinking right now.  -Dianna

The Beginning and the End of the End

Hi people,  Today I am writing about the end of my years at my school. I really didn't want this post to be cliche, but the end of this school year is a massive, all eclipsing issue in my brain right now.  This is because I really don't like that this year is ending. I don't like the idea of being separated from my classmates. I don't like that I have to leave my teachers. I don't like the idea of leaving almost everyone I know for a building full of strangers. I don't like any of it. AT ALL.  Last year was very different. I spent the last day staring at the clock and when the time to leave came, I snatched my report card and ran out of the building. I was the first to leave. I didn't event bother to say goodbye to anyone.  That summer I spent a lot of time thinking, and I started to appreciate my school a lot more.  Now, I can't even go a week without school. Over spring break, I kept thinking about how my classmates would laugh ...

It's Complicated....

Hi people, Today I will be writing about my relationship with languages. Throughout my life, I have learned to speak a few different languages. However, English is my language of choice.  The main reason for this is that I feel a lot more comfortable when I speak English. This is because my vocabulary in English has surpassed my vocabulary in any other language. I also hate that I always feel like I am making myself sound like an idiot when I speak another language.  Some people think that I just don't like languages, but that's not true. I love languages, but I just don't like speaking them. I like to learn about grammar and new words in different languages. I actually find trying to write in different languages fun.  I hope this clarifies my motives a little bit.  -Dianna


Some blogs are witty. Some blogs have a unique perspective. Some blogs are just beautiful. Some have a niche. Some blogs tug at my heartstrings. And some blogs just exist, like mine.  Outside of my blog, my writing is only a flowery shadow of what I actually think. My blog contains my honest thoughts, no matter how scrambled they may be.  For me, this is a place to be authentic.  If you want to read my writing in a state that hasn't gone through 20,000 hours of editing and a thesaurus, look no further than this blog.  -Dianna

Looking at Cute Stuff Helps Concentration.

Have a great day! -Dianna

To My Parents,

I'm not terribly good at expressing gratitude. I'm not good with time. Most of the time, I need a reality check. I'm always too stuck in my thoughts to do or say anything important. When I eventually decide to do something, I just end up ruining it.  You two are the only reason that the first paragraph didn't keep going on into infinity. You said I should just get this over with, so I will.  You might not always tell me what I want to hear, but there is no doubt in my mind that you always tell me what I need  to hear. I'm just terrible at listening.  When I say certain things, people look at me like I have five heads, but you actually try to understand what I'm saying. I appreciate that so much because a lot of times I feel like the three of us are the only ones listening.  Unlike most people, you tend to understand me. Even when you don't, I still know that you're trying as hard as you can.  I have no more words because there ...

My Love of Libraries

Hi people,  Today, I will be writing about my love of libraries. Some people like big, fancy libraries with old books, nice chairs, and other things. While those places are nice, I am content to sit on the floor of my school's library between the shelves that have collected so much dust that I can't prevent myself from sneezing.  This might sound strange, but here, on the abandoned side of the library, I can actually organize my thoughts and take a minute to breathe. I feel that this is the most important quality of a library. Other than just being a place to store books, libraries have been places to get things done.  Even though, I am such a procrastinator that can't get things done in a timely manner to save my life, libraries make me feel like I can accomplish things. One example is that this is the only post I ever wrote in under ten minutes.  One of the pretty libraries  -Dianna

A Magical Meeting... Or Not

Hi people,  Today I am being forced to write about famous people that I would want to meet. Anyone who knows me well would laugh as soon as they read this. I don't really pay attention to any famous people. They aren't any better than anyone else. They are just like the rest of us. If they aren't anything special, then why would I want to know them? I suppose I could organize some kind of debate between people with opposing views. Then again, I often do this with people I already know.  Honestly, I'd take an afternoon of political discussion with my friends over meeting famous people any day. I wish that I had more to say, but my thoughts seem to have left for spring break already.  -Dianna

Once a Klutz, Always a Klutz

Hi people,  Today I will be writing about a story from a field trip that I once went on. I originally didn't know what to write about in this post, but then it hit me...literally. I walked into a table before I sat down to write this and was reminded of another instance of clumsiness.  We had gone to look at pond ecosystems for a day because we had learned about frogs in class recently. We were supposed to try to catch pond creatures in large white buckets so that we could identify them. After a while, all of my classmates had already caught tadpoles or minnows and I hadn't caught anything except mud.  I was determined to catch something so I came up with a brilliant  stupid idea. I thought that the creatures were hiding under the dock, so I put my bucket as far under the dock as I could.  The problem was that I couldn't pull the bucket back out of the water because of my lack of arm strength. I tried to move to the side but that just made everyth...

Does This Ever Happen to You?

Hi people,  Sometimes, I sit at the computer after a long day, and I just want to take a nap. I reluctantly put my head down on the keyboard with the knowledge that once I look at my screen again I will find something that looks like: gthythhhhhhhh  rtffffffffffffffffgtyhujnygbfvcd I close my eyes, take a deep breath... and the ever-paranoid voice in my head screams, " CANCER! ".  I will never be able to relax, Will I? -Dianna

Mental Clutter

Hi people,  Today I will be writing about the phenomenon that is mental clutter. Mental clutter is the phrase that I use to describe random, distracting thoughts that get in the way of doing something.  When this happens to me, I feel as though I am trying to see the bottom of a murky pond. It is especially annoying when I am doing homework because I can't get anything done. At its worst, I can't even focus enough to read a paragraph.  This often happens when I am really nervous or tired.  I have been able to write this post in a brief moment of clarity.  -Dianna

D.I.Y. Is a Lie.

Hi people,  This is probably going to turn into a type of rant. You have been warned.  If you haven't been living under a rock you know about D.I.Y. trends and all the annoying Pinterest people who create them. The point is to make things on your own, and yet there is no way that I  am going to be able to wallpaper my entire house in one afternoon.  Another infuriating example is an online tutorial that states that I can make my own sketchbooks at home. What they don't mention is that you can only complete the tutorial if you have book binding glue, a paper cutter, a bone folder, and linen thread. Where do I even buy one of these? I do not have any of those things in my house.  If I really wanted them, I would have gone to a craft store. If I could go to a craft store, I would have just bought a sketchbook.  In the end, I made myself a notebook with random objects I had in my house. It serves its purpose...for now.  -Dianna

Yay! Updates!

Hi people,  Now that you got your daily dose of sarcasm, I should get to the point.  I have been thinking a lot lately, and one of these thoughts has been that I should write more. As a result of this, I have decided to post something every day this week.  I always say that I will write more but, I never do. The way that I plan to get myself to write more is by publishing this post. It is scientifically proven that if you tell people that you are going to do something, then you will be more likely to follow through.  You will  hear from me tomorrow.  -Dianna

Manchester by the Sea

Hi people,  Today I will be reviewing "Manchester by the Sea" which is a beautiful movie that not many people I know have liked.  After the death of his older brother,  a troubled, grief-stricken Lee Chandler (Casey Affleck) has to go back to his hometown to sort out funeral arrangements. While there, he finds out that he is now the legal guardian of his teenage nephew, Patrick (Lucas Hedges). The two of them spend the rest of the movie trying to come to terms with the way their lives have gone.  The movie is not entirely about grief , as Lee has his own deep-rooted issues that are shown through flashbacks. Lee has to learn to forgive the world, the people in his life, and most importantly, himself.  I find that the ending of the movie is the most interesting part. It really taught me that regardless of what may happen, life still moves on and that we need to accept that so that we may move on as well.   Other parts of what made this movie so ...

LOOK! There's something more interesting than this post!

Hi people,  Though it might not look like it from the title, this is a post about music and what part it has in my life.  For the most part, music is a distraction. Many people might lose some of their focus around music. I lose all of my focus. There have been many occasions where I haven't done anything productive for days  because of a song that is stuck in my head. This is especially annoying when I don't even know the words to the song. Another problem I often come across is being in a very quiet place and feeling the need to start humming or tapping the beat of one of my favorite songs. Even with all its distractions, I still love music.  This is the main question in my life.  -Dianna

Hello, New President

This election was............interesting. People have either been ecstatic or devastated by your election. I am neither. Everyone either thinks that you are the sole solution to their problems or their sole problem.  I like how you engage your supporters but, you should also try to engage those who oppose you. They need your assurance and, if you don't do this, our country will be going nowhere.  If I had to summarize my message to you in three words, they would be, "Tone it down." Sincerely,          Dianna

The Old Problem of the Need for New Words

I often find myself trying to express a feeling, concept, or idea that doesn't have a word for it. It is a really annoying problem to have, especially when I am arguing with someone.  Sometimes I will just make up words. Other times I obsessively search through reverse dictionaries. I really wish that there was a more effective way to solve this problem. 

How Do People Know Me so Well?

I have recieved many gifts throughout my life. Most of them have been from my parents, who always know what I want regardless of wether I tell them or not. How do they do it?  This year, my parents gave me two sets of Copic markers. I was really excited to get them because I will get a lot of use out of them. Because there are so many colors available, I can add to my collection over time. I am also excited to learn new art techniques with my new markers.  I am so happy to have recieved such a great gift for Christmas this year. 

New Year, New Me?

It is 2017.  It might also be the first time that I haven't had a feeling of impending doom around the end of December. I have finally been able to come to the realization that nothing has really changed between December 31, 2016 and January 1, 2017.  The new year doesn't change the fact that I still have homework. It doesn't change the fact that I am still reading 1984. It doesn't change the fact that I still have to practice for orchestra. It doesn't change anything except the last digit of the date on my papers.  My signoff is the same, too.     -Dianna